Ktwoinc LLC Apps

Photos From Friends 2.3.6
Ktwoinc LLC
Photos From Friends can automaticallycollectpictures from all of your family and friends at your nextparty,wedding, or other social event. All pictures they take fromthe appgo right to your photo album. View, print, or save themwhenever!Use the slideshow feature to instantly stream picturestaken duringthe event directly to a monitor or big screen!You will never have to beg for their photos again. You haveacopy saved to your album within seconds. After signing up,youchoose the album code. Share the code with others and thepicturesthey capture are yours to keep. It doesn't matter if youdecide onone album or 100, we can support you. All pictures aresecurelysaved and backed up for safety. Never worry about losingyourpictures again.Most weddings have a professional photographer right? Can theybeeverywhere at once? No. Think of all the people taking pictureswiththeir camera phone. Wouldn't you like a copy of it? How oftenhaveyou heard them say "I will send you a copy." No longer do youhaveto beg for them. As soon as they take the picture you have itinyour online album.Thinking about having a photowall? Most of the time a photowallis a dvd of pictures you load on a disc and play duringthereception or party. Now you can set up your photowall withpicturestaken minutes ago. You can also upload pictures you alreadyhaveand they will also be included.Other uses? What type of backups do you have for yourfavoritepictures? What if you lose your phone or they get deleted?Save acopy of them on Photos From Friends and they will be safeandsecure. Only you can see them, share them, delete them.Photos From Friends is a subscription service. You canchoosefrom a 1 year, 2 year, or 5 year account. All friends andfamilyhave free access to the app to send you pictures. Thesubscriptionis good even if you change phones or carriers. What ifyou don'thave an Android device next time you upgrade? No problem,yoursubscription is still good no matter which phone youchoose.Contact us with any questions at [email protected] to hear your suggestions and would be happy to explain theappin more detail to you.